The second method is to build an automatic noise-reduction algorithm on the fly, and this is the really ingenious part. First of all, the application examines your photograph, looking for a blank region - which may be an area of sky, or a wall, or a piece of white paper. It needs a region 128 pixels square in order to produce a good result: if it can't find one automatically, you can select an area yourself.
Once a blank area has been identified, NeatImage examines the noise in that area and then proceeds to remove exactly that type of noise from the rest of the image. And the results can be extraordinary: all the noise - and only the noise - is filtered out, leaving the rest of the image sharp and clear. The really surprising result is that fine detail is retained, even when the detail is so small that it's apparently finer than the noise itself.
The NeatImage interface is in two panes. The first is the Device Noise Profile pane, where we choose the noise reduction method (building a profile from the image, or matching to an existing file). Here, you can choose to view a graphical read-out of the noise levels, together with a view of the blank area sampled by Auto Profiling. You can also switch to an Advanced Mode, which displays a graph showing the RGB component that you can tweak manually.
When you switch to the Noise Filter Settings pain, you can see the results of the operation. In Standard Mode, NeatImage offers two sliders that control the amount of luminance and colour noise reduction, as well as a single slider to adjust sharpening. Initially, the whole image is shown with the filter applied, but you can select any region to see the effect applied just there, allowing you to see the unfiltered image behind.
In Advanced Mode, the Filter Settings pane expands to show sliders for high, mid-and low-value noise, as well as for each of the Lab channel components: you can adjust each of these settings individually to fine-tune the results, and can also apply sharpening to specific noise types and Lab components.
This latest version of NeatImage works in 64-bit mode with Photoshop CS5, is speedy in operation and produces dramatically enhanced images even from seemingly irreparable images. It also has the ability to prepare the plug-in for bulk Actions. Speedy, intuitive and remarkably effective, NeatImage is the single Photoshop plug-in we couldn't live without.
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